Monday, October 15, 2012

The Diva

Interesting!  I just looked up the word diva (oh how I enjoy looking up words) and I was surprised.
Raise your hand if that word has a negative connotation for you.  It does for me.  Yet, it wasn't until I went to the fourth site, after checking out Wikipedia, and Merriam-Webster, that I found any reference to the downside of being a diva.  Of course we all know this term's deep connection with the world of opera.  And there are some classic examples of notoriously naughty divas:

How about Carlotta, from Phantom?

And if you expand to include SOAP operas, well . . . Erica Kane.

Enough said!

Okay, so where am I going with all of this?  Well, I needed a name for a newly acquired sewing machine.  Let me introduce you to her.

Meet the Diva!

I suppose you're wondering how I came up with the name.  Well, first off, she's a Singer!  At one time, Singers were well respected in the sewing machine world.  That's the positive side of her name.

The negative side:  she's a bit temperamental!  She tends to have an "all or nothing"  attitude when it comes to speed.  A little coaxing is usually required.   Oh, and she is quite noisy, which fits the naughty diva stereotype.

Maybe a little spa treatment oiling will put her in a better mood and mellow her out.

And surely some new shoes feet couldn't hurt!


  1. My very 1st sewing machine was this model! It brings back memories of learnng to sew. A few years ago I was moving across several states & sold it at a yard sale. By then I had a newer machine & never used it. Moving is always a great opportunity to "downsize". Origionally I think I paid about $50 for the machine,I thing in the early 70s & sold it for $25. It was a work horse.In the 20+ years I sewed with it, it was only professionally cleaned 1 time. I never had any problems with it.

    I wish I had kept it, but you can't keep everything you ever own. Enjoy your new old Singer!
