Wednesday, August 22, 2012

PPP - Frivolité

I realized the other day that I have yet to share any tatting here.  And today I was thinking it has been a while since the last PPP.   Well, how neglectful of me!  Please, allow me to make amends.

Walking through Joann Fabrics the other day, these little gems caught my eye.  

Not that I need more.  I can't fit it all in my box as it is.  

But the Potential for new color combinations was too hard  for me to resist.

Besides, it would help me use up some of the colors I already had, right?  

See!  I've already started combining the new and the old.

Look at that rainbowy Potential and try to tell me you could have resisted.

No?  I didn't think so.


  1. Your tatting is lovely. I also tat, but never got the hang of the shuttle, so I needle tat. I love it, but haven't done much since quilting took over my life! lol

    1. Thanks!
      Quilting did the same thing to me for a while but I'm trying to tat more these days.

  2. It is beautiful! Are you self taught? I always wanted to learn how to tat.

    1. Thank you! No, I was taught by a little lady about 10 years ago. At that time she was in her 90s. As far as I know, she's still living and would be 104 now.

      I hope you'll give it a try. There are lots of good tutorials to be found on Youtube.
