Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ebeneezer & Florine

A.k.a. : Eb and Flo.
Flo on the left, Eb on the...other left
These two kitties came to live with me about a year and a half ago.  Brother and sister, they are about three years old.

Eb:  "Sometimes I crack myself up!"
 Flo:  "He's not that funny, trust me!"

Eb: "Yeah, I am.  I'm hilarious!"
 Flo:  "How embarrassing!"

Eb is definitely the friendlier and more outgoing of the two.  Flo is very reserved.  However, when it comes to new people or places, Flo is much quicker to explore and Eb; he's the biggest scaredy-cat you'll ever never meet.  If only he knew what he was missing.  He really loves attention.  He's by my side most of the time, even crawling under the covers with me at night.

When Eb's not hanging out with me he's quite often snuggled up with his sister.  The two get along with each other quite well.

Although, sometimes I wonder how Flo puts
 up with Eb's antics.


  1. They are so cute cuddled up together!

  2. Cute post! The pictures made me laugh, great captions!
