Saturday, June 9, 2012

Commission, Create, Complete - part 2a

The Story of a Quilt:  Create

cre-ate: (kree eyt) v.  1.  to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.  

The first step in causing this quilt to come into being was constructing Chuck  (I was pretty sure he wasn't going to naturally evolve).

Enlarged, printed, taped together, cut out.  I had a pattern!
I then traced this onto Steam-A-Seam Lite and cut it out.  I think I learned this next trick from Fons & Porter. Trim away the inside of the fusible shape, leaving about 1/4 inch all the way around.  That way you can avoid too many layers and stiffness with the applique.

This is what I had left after trimming; the part I was supposed to use!

Hard to believe this little squiggly mess is going to be very useful.

Ta Da!  I had traced the outline onto the fabric so I could place the fusible back into the right shape.

Cut it out and there you have it:  an applique ready to iron on.

I'm sure you've noticed something's missing.

Yep, I had to make his mug.  It's just not Chuck without that sweet, gentle face.  Ha!

Since I was putting white fabric on dark fabric I decided to put fusible on the whole piece so the edges wouldn't look different than the middle.

Funky looking, isn't it?





Chuck Norris can
watch his own back.*
Chuck Norris can come
to life with just
two pieces of fabric.*
A little pressing, (bragging rights:  I put an iron to Chuck Norris' face and lived to tell about it!) a little stitching (to cover the raw edges of the white fabric and to add a few additional details) and I was ready to iron him to the background (iron to face - again!).

Oh, wait.  I hadn't made the background yet. 

So Chuck had to hang out on my design wall for a while.  He may be able to fast-forward live T.V., but he couldn't make this quilt evolve any faster!*
*This will probably make more sense later. Stay tuned for part 2b!

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