Thursday, July 19, 2012

PPP - A Basement Full

Yay!  I remembered to take before pictures!

One of the bloggers I follow sometimes shares "keeping it real"  pictures after showing the tidied, nicely arranged shots of a finished project.  As these pictures will show you, I just stick to the "real" shots.  Let's start with the grand tour.

Welcome!  You've just stepped through the door into my sittingdiningquiltingcraftingsleeping room.  Yes, all of that happens in this one room.

In case you're wondering, yes, I sleep on that couch.  It leaves more space for essentials.  Like. . .

. . .a place to create.  

This room has reached its full Potential, going from an unfinished corner in a basement, to a guest room, to a room-of-many-functions.  However, do you see that door in the corner? 

There is tremendous Potential through this door.  Oh my, where to start?

Warning:  for those who have spider issues, some of these pictures may be too much for you.

Potential kitchenette.
No, really.  The plumbing and electrical are all there.  What more could I need?  Ok, maybe a new sink, and a few other things.

Potential bathroom.
Yep. That's a sump pump under that cover.  So I'll be needing a few fixtures here also.  Oh, and maybe a wall or two.

Potential window.
I can hardly wait to. . .(cue the music) let the sun shine in.  

Potential electrocution lighting.
I'm more afraid of the "creative" wiring down here than I am of the cobwebs.

Potential cutting/crafting table.
I'm thinking about putting these two together for a wonderfully massive work area.

Potential storage.
My dad built these cupboards.  I'm hoping to be able to salvage those cute little drawer sections.

Potential cat disappointment.
Ok, I have to explain.  This is the space between the floor upstairs and the ceiling of my room.  It was the very first hiding place for my cats when they came to live with me and they still find it very fun to run in and out of.  Hence, the disappointment when they no longer have access.

Potential . . .um. . . nope.
This is just getting covered up.   Unless you have some great idea.  

Yeah, I didn't think so.

And behind this door. . .well, let's save that for another day.  There's the Potential for overload if I open it right now.


  1. Wow that is some potential you got going---so now what? Guess I will have to return for more!

    1. Yep! I'll be tagging the posts on this project as "renovation." Stay tuned!
