It's probably not very "PC" to talk about the changing of one's mind being a woman's prerogative but, hey, I'm claiming it.
Last fall, the plan was to repurpose these two work benches into one large quilting/crafting work area. I really wanted to keep them because they were my dad's. In fact, the one in the top picture was from our old house. How Dad managed to get it into this basement is a bit of a mystery.
Well, after putting them back to back and trying it out for a while, I started to see some drawbacks to this plan. They were a bit too big and cumbersome. And HEAVY. I like rearranging my furniture and these would not lend themselves to that activity. And all those drawers - I couldn't remember where I put what.
So, plan B. B for Brother. B for Brian!
Brian said he could use the long bench so a few weeks ago he came and got it.
He came and got it - sounds so simple!
Actually, it went pretty well. Our brother-in-law, Dana, also came to lend a hand. We removed the drawers, the top and part of the back.
Then it was just a matter of getting it out the door. Oh, and over a four foot concrete wall about three feet from the door! And all done by two old guys with bad backs.
The last major hurdle was getting it to, and on the truck. Dana channeled his inner ancient Egyptian and rigged up some skids to make it easier to get down the hill to the road. Brian backed the truck up onto the sidewalk and they just plopped it right on! Well, not quite. But almost!
Mission accomplished! At least, from this end. I never heard how things went at the other end of its journey. I'm assuming it made it safe and sound and is ready to serve for many more years to come.